Brand Guidelines

Our logo and it's usage

Kite Blue on white background

Black logo on white background

White logo on Blue background

Kite logo has three colors. It's always either blue, black or white. It must be legible and maintain the integrity of its form.
When placing the logo on top of an image, always use the white logo version. For images with a light background, a 10-20% black tint or the Kite blue color with an opacity of 70-80% can be applied to the entire image in order to maintain the legibility of the white logo.



Do not apply a gradient to the icon or wordmark


Do not rotate the logo


Do not change the colour or tone outside of the Kite Blue


Do not resolve the logo in two different colours


Do not distort or wrap the logo in any way


Do not use the wordmark without the icon


Do not turn the logo into outline


Do not change the typeface nor recreate or manipulate the watermark and the icon


Do not use drop shadow on the logo


Do not use kerning/spacing on the logo


Do not use a mask for imagery or graphics


The Kite color palette is centered around a set of neutral hues and accented by a vibrant, glowing gradient.The purporseful use of color brings attention to actionable UI elements, while the neutral backgrounds ensure maximum content eligibility.

Kite Blue HEX: #3E43D6 RGB: 62/67/214 C:82 M:76 Y:0 K:0
Grub Blue HEX: #96CFEC RGB: 150/207/236 C:38 M:5 Y:2 K:0
Grub Pink HEX: #FE9FA2 RGB: 254/159/162 C:0 M:47 Y:23 K:0

Our Typefaces

Our typeface is bold and simple. The typeface that has been paired with the logo is Proxima Nova and Gotham has been used for the website content. For social media templates, both Proxima Nova and Gotham can be used.

Proxima Nova Black

Proxima Nova Bold

Proxima Nova Semi-Bold

Proxima Nova Regular

Proxima Nova Light

Gotham Black

Gotham Bold

Gotham Medium

Gotham Light

Gotham Thin